Joint initiative to introduce the national holiday “Kosovorotka Day” in Russia
Today, a joint meeting of the boards of the Association “Russian Domostroy” and the IOF “Communication of Generations” took place, during which the participants in the meeting adopted a joint public initiative aimed at forming public support for the introduction of the national holiday “Kosovorotka Day” in Russia. This was stated by Andrei Maslennikov, head of the Association, to the correspondent of the newsletter ARD.
The joint public initiative is framed as an independent document signed by A.K. Maslennikov, Chairman of the Board of the Association “Russian Domostroy” and N.V. Evsenkin, Chairman of the Fund.
As stated in the document: “Mission of the national holiday” Kosovorotka Day “: strengthening the national unity of the Russian people and all indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, promoting a positive image of Russian culture and lifestyle abroad.”
The full text of the adopted documents can be found on the websites of both organizations.
Source: ARD News Bulletin