R e g u l a t i o n s
These Regulations on the Organizing Committee of “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation and the Organizing Committee) are developed on the basis of:
– the Charter of “Russian Domostroy” Association of manufacturers and sellers of Russian national everyday life and national clothing (hereinafter referred to as the Association) and the Charter of “Nexus of Generations” Public Foundation (hereinafter – Foundation),
– the joint public initiative of the Association and the Foundation “On the formation of public support for the introduction of the national holiday“ Kosovorotka Day ”(hereinafter referred to as the Public Initiative), approved on November 15, 2019 during a joint meeting of the Association and the Fund,
– as well as the Concept of celebrating “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest, approved on November 12, 2019 during a joint meeting of the Boards of Association and the Foundation.
Article 1. The subject of regulation of this Regulation
This Regulation governs the formation, work, legal status of the Organizing Committee of the holiday.
Article 2. Purpose of creating this Regulation
The purpose of the creation of this Regulation is to organize a public structure – the Organizing Committee within the framework of the Public Initiative, for the coordination of actions, and for events related to the celebration of a Folk Fest.
Article 3. Legal status of the Organizing Committee
The organizing committee is a public structure. The Organizing Committee carries out its activities on the basis of these Regulations, in accordance with the approved Social Initiative and the Concept of the celebration of “Kosovorotka Day”.
Article 4. The formation procedure
The composition of the Organizing Committee is approved annually at a joint meeting of the Boards of the Association and the Foundation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Board of the Association.
Persons elected to the Organizing Committee must express their consent to participate in the work of the Organizing Committee in writing.
Article 5. The order of work of the Organizing Committee
The organizing committee carries out its activities on a voluntary basis, through meetings and decision-making, which are drawn up by the protocol.
Meetings are held by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, and in his absence – the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee. In the absence of a Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee.
The Organizing Committee is authorized to make decisions provided that more than half of all members of the Organizing Committee are present at the meeting.
All decisions on all issues, within the competence of the Organizing Committee, are made by voting by a simple majority of votes.
The decisions of the Organizing Committee, taken as part of a joint initiative to celebrate “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest, are binding on the staff of the Association and the Foundation.
At meetings of the Organizing Committee, the employees of the Association and the Foundation keep a Protocol of the meeting of the Organizing Committee, which is signed by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee and the secretary.
Before signing, the Minutes of the meeting, in electronic form, is sent to each member of the Organizing Committee for approval.
The minutes of the meetings are stored in the documents of the Association and the Foundation dedicated to the national holiday “Kosovorotka Day”.
Article 6. Chairman of the Organizing Committee
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee is elected at the first annual meeting of the members of the Organizing Committee.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee supervises the work of the Organizing Committee.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee presides over meetings of the Organizing Committee.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee determines the date of the meeting of the Organizing Committee, while the employees of the Association and the Fund ensure the convening of members of the Organizing Committee.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee carries out representative functions on behalf of the Organizing Committee.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, gives instructions and tasks binding on members of the Organizing Committee and employees of the Association and the Foundation.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee has a casting vote in deciding and the equality of votes during the voting.
The Chairman of the Organizing Committee has the right to sign outgoing documents of the Organizing Committee.
Article 7. Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
The Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee is elected from the members of the Organizing Committee at the first annual meeting of the Organizing Committee.
The Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee conducts meetings of the Organizing Committee in the absence of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
The Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee may carry out representative functions on behalf of the Organizing Committee.
The Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee has the right to sign the outgoing documents of the Organizing Committee, while in the document before signing is recorded: “On behalf of the Organizing Committee.”
Статья 8. Ответственный секретарь Оргкомитета.
Ответственный секретарь Оргкомитета избирается из членов Оргкомитета на первом ежегодном заседании Оргкомитета.
Ответственный секретарь Оргкомитета ведет заседания Оргкомитета в случае отсутствия Председателя Оргкомитета и Заместителя Председателя Оргкомитета.
Ответственный секретарь Оргкомитета организует всю практическую работу Оргкомитета.
Ответственный секретарь Оргкомитета имеет право подписи исходящих документов Оргкомитета, при этом, в документе перед подписью делается запись: «По поручению Организационного комитета».
Article 9. Fundamental rights of the Organizing Committee.
To achieve the goals of its activities, the Organizing Committee has the right:
– determine the procedure for holding “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest;
– approve the symbols of the holiday, including by entrusting the Association and the Foundation with the execution of documents related to the protection of copyright and intellectual property rights;
– determine the main Concept of “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest, make changes and additions to this Concept;
– approve the list of souvenirs, other paraphernalia to be made as part of the implementation of the program of “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest;
– instruct the Association and the Foundation, conclude relevant agreements with organizations producing souvenirs;
– determine the location of celebrations;
– consider and approve the scenarios for the celebration “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest in the regions;
– make decisions binding on the staff of the Association and the Foundation.
Article 10. Members of the Organizing Committee.
Members of the Organizing Committee carry out their activities on a voluntary basis and participate in the work of the Organizing Committee as individuals.
Members of the Organizing Committee submit their proposals, wishes, recommendations for consideration by the Organizing Committee.
By prior agreement with the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, and in its absence, by agreement with the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee or the executive secretary of the Organizing Committee, members of the Organizing Committee have the right to invite experts, artists, sculptors, journalists and other persons to the meetings of the Organizing Committee whose activities can contribute to the achievement of the goals set for The organizing committee.
Members of the Organizing Committee have the right to request information from the Association and the Foundation staff related to the implementation of the Organizing Committee’s instructions, as well as other information necessary for the work of the Organizing Committee.
Members of the Organizing Committee do not have the right, independently, without appropriate authority on the basis of decisions of the Organizing Committee, to represent the Organizing Committee, make statements to the media and apply to government bodies and local authorities, perform other actions that could or could discredit the work of the Organizing Committee.
Article 11. The procedure for processing letters, appeals and other documentation.
All letters, appeals, petitions and other outgoing documents are subject to mandatory discussion at the Organizing Committee and are executed only after approval by the Organizing Committee.
Documents, the texts of which are approved by the decision of the Organizing Committee, are printed on the Association letterhead, which has an additional inscription in the header: “Kosovorotka Day. The Organizing Committee ”, as well as the holiday logo (Appendix No. 1).
All outgoing documents on behalf of the Organizing Committee are subject to mandatory registration in accordance with the requirements for outgoing documents of the Association and the Foundation.
Article 12. Information support.
Information support for the work of the Organizing Committee and the holding of “Kosovorotka Day” Folk Fest is carried out in the manner determined by the Organizing Committee.
Article 13. Procedure for amending and supplementing the Regulation
Changes and additions are made to the Regulation by unanimous decision of all members of the Organizing Committee.