Kosovorotka day celebration concept


The celebration of Kosovorotka Day has a national cultural and educational purpose, it is called upon to make a significant contribution to the strengthening of the national unity of the Russian people and all indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, the promotion of a positive image of Russian culture and lifestyle abroad, and the speedy resolution of problems associated with the partial loss of national traditions by Russians.

In modern Russian society, the problems of gradual leveling and oblivion of national traditions are visible to the naked eye: urbanization and globalization create favorable conditions for the growth of new generations, the socio-cultural environment of which is mainly cosmopolitan, West-centric and oriented towards the ideals of consumer society. Such a population (especially in large urban conglomerations) is little committed, and often hostile to the national matrix (culture, history, religion) and is an easy prey for skillfully manipulated by the historical enemies of Russia.

The Russian people is especially affected by the alienation from national roots: opinion polls show that it is among Russian urban youth that national nihilism and infantilism are most common and that it becomes one of the main objects of thoughtful ideological sabotage.

The potential danger of this tendency is connected with the fact that Russians who live in the Russian matrix and whom historical Russia cherishes at the time of trial may be outnumbered with all the ensuing consequences. The strength and power of Russia is based on the fraternal union of the Russian people with all the indigenous peoples of the Fatherland, but if the Russians, as the state-forming people of Russia, are not able to fulfill their historical mission, then the unity of Russia is in mortal danger. This happened in 1237, 1606-1613, 1917. A repetition of such national disasters cannot be allowed.

The national spirit is formed by the national culture, both spiritual (folklore, literature, music), and material (clothing, cuisine, crafts). The material culture includes a national costume and all its elements. As one of the main elements of national self-identification of almost the majority of the peoples of the world, a folk costume shares a palm with national cuisine. Scottish kilt, Bavarian and Austrian shorts, Indian sari, Caucasian burka, Turkic dressing gown, Arabian shalvar-kamiz are many examples of modern national brands in the field of folk costume.

The State is supposed to conduct a verified informational and ideological policy aimed at reviving among the Russian people the tradition of wearing such a popular element of a folk costume as a “Kosovorotka”. A schoolboy, student, worker, rural resident, civil servant, manager, who puts on a shirt both on holidays and on weekdays, will become a consciously nationally thinking patriot, and his choice in favor of a shirt will be a conscious step of national self-identification. This is the future of the union of the Russian people with the indigenous peoples of Russia. We must convince Russia of this.

This requires a combination of efforts and cooperation between state authorities, public organizations and citizens who see the main goal and meaning of their work as the benefit of the Fatherland.

The announcement of 2020 as the Year of memory and glory is a big step in the field of popularization of the historical memory of Russian and all indigenous peoples of Russia. The beginning of the celebration of Kosovorotka Day this year will become an integral part of the revival of the national foundations of the life of the peoples of our Fatherland.


Kosovorotka has traditionally been considered as the symbol of folk attire among Russian men. According to historical evidence, the first written records of the Kosovorotka date from the middle of the XII century and are associated with the city of Suzdal – the center of Russian statehood in North-Eastern Russia. This period of our history is connected with the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (1111 – 1174), the ruler of Vladimir-Suzdal Russia, the first Russian Autocrat, during which the political and economic center of Ancient Russia moved from the South-West to the North-East. “The First Great Russian “, it’s how the Grand Duke was called by V.O. Klyuchevsky, the famous Russian histirian. It is not surprising that it was during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky in the lands that subsequently formed the skeleton of Great Russia that the braid began its victorious march so that in modern times (XVII-XIX centuries) Kosovorotka would become an exclusively Russian folk shirt.

Kosovorotka firmly entered the national memory and historical traditions of the Russian people. At the same time, it had an omnipotent character: the kingshirt was worn by the kings (Ivan the Grozny, the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich), and emperors (Alexander III, Nikolai II), and high-born boyars, and merchants, and philistinism. But truly unlimited was the devotion to the turn of the Russian peasantry – the basic basis of the Russian State.

The peasantry has a beautiful and symbolic family tradition of giving parents a new Kosovorotka to their adult son at the beginning of haymaking. Traditionally, this happened on July 12 (June 29, old style) on the Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul. On this day, the Petrov post was ending, in villages and villages their residents were preparing for haymaking. Haymaking usually lasted two to three weeks and was considered difficult but festive in the Russian countryside: both women and men wore holiday clothes for haying, after work round dances, games and dances were arranged. Since ancient times on this day – July 12 – parents gave their adult son a new braid in which he went out into the world as a full-grown adult worker.

The establishment of the “Kosovorotka Day” folk fest is intended to revive in Russian society as a whole and every Russian family, in particular, the tradition of wearing the Kosovorotka as an element of the national costume of the Russian people, as well as giving it to parents for their sons with the wishes to be real workers of Russia.

Kosovorotka celebration is proposed to be held annually on July 12th. This is the day of the apostles Peter and Paul and the beginning of haymaking, on which it was customary for the Russian peasantry to give adult sons new Kosovorotka that were worn precisely at the haying season.

The celebration of Kosovorotka Day is intended to mark the beginning of a new state policy to strengthen the patriotic principles of educating the Russian people as a state-forming people of Russia in alliance and brotherhood with all the indigenous peoples of our Fatherland.


As noted above, Kosovorotka Day is a public holiday. The goals and objectives of the holiday, as the goals and objectives of the Russian policy of patriotic education of modern society, should be supported by the Russian State at the federal and municipal levels, coupled with the support of wide public circles.

Not currently being a public holiday, Kosovorotka Day is intended to become a massive, nationwide event. Thoughtful supervision of the holiday in the country and the region will give him the necessary status, will add great opportunities to support the celebration by authorities, public and religious organizations.


The celebration of Kosovorotka Day is an event that should affect all sectors of Russian society, all generations.

The fest should be both informal (at the household level) and official. It is important to establish long-term traditions for celebrating Kosovorotka Day today. The main task is that, over time, the Russian holiday takes its own, unique place in the minds of the Russian people, especially young people, replacing alien foreign analogues.

The informal part of the celebration may be as follows:

  • Wearing a Kosovorotka the all day long (both formally and informally);
  • Parents give new Kosovorotkas to their sons with the wishes to preserve national traditions and be a real hard worker;
  • Family dinners.

The official celebration of Kosovorotka Day aims to provide the public with examples of the commitment of civil servants to the national traditions of wearing a folk costume.

A formal celebration could consist of the following events:

  • Wearing Kosovorotkas by deputies of legislative and executive authorities of the federal, regional and local levels during working and outside working hours.
  • Carrying out activities to celebrate Kosovorotka Day in all regions of Russia, where Kosovorotka is the folk dress of the majority of the region’s population. On this day mass family festivals, festivals, contests should take place.

The main topic of mass events should be the Kosovorotka as the traditional folk clothing of the Russian people. The main characters should be the parents and their sons, holding together through the ritual of giving the braid family continuity and adherence to national symbols.


A symbol of Kosovorotka holiday is its logo. The logo is based on the idea of ​​the gracious trinity of the “Sun”, giving from the azure height to the universe, its warmth and energy – “Mother Earth”, as the mother-nurse of the Russian people – “Kosovorotki”, as a symbol of masculinity and hard work.

This idea describes one of the oldest bonds of the archetype of Russian Man as a great worker, devoted to his historical fate, the creator, worker and defender of the Russian State.

Possible options for using the symbol “braid and braid” in an informal and official celebration:

  • Buttonhole in the form of a logo of the Day of the Twist at officials on this day;
  • Design of cities, villages and venues for the Kosovorotka Day logo;
  • Postcards and products in the form of a Kosovorotka logo for congratulations, etc .;

To provide mass support for the celebration, it is necessary to offer components of visual and figurative filling of the holiday symbol – the Kosovorotka logo. This can be solved by the following steps:

  • Active involvement
  • Example Actions
  • Visual filling.

Risk prevention

Kosovorotka Day is supposed to be celebrated by all Russian society, regardless of nationality and religion. To all who are close and understand the national traditions of the Russian people as a state-forming people of Russia. Also, its celebration can be of a religious nature, at the free choice of citizens who profess the Orthodox or other faith. It is important to note that Kosovorotka Day is a public or civil holiday, which removes inter-confessional risks when the Orthodox are not ready to perceive images of saints, dear to the heart of Muslims or Jews, and vice versa.

The emphasis on the date of Kosovorotka Day as the simultaneous Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul becomes an integral element of the celebration in the territory where Orthodoxy dominates. At the celebration ceremony, it is desirable to have a representative of the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church or the Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church (where Old Believers prevail), who will be instructed to explain the role and place of the Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul in the spiritual life of the Russian Orthodox people.

Approved by Joint meeting of the boards of “Russian Domostroy” Association and “Nexus of Generations” Public Foundation, Minutes No. 1 dated 15.11.2019